Our legal services expertise covers contract documents, patents, commercial and criminal case documents:
Legal documents require some specific legal terms in any of the languages and we know the importance of accurate legal documentation. Our legal document translators had the comprehensive knowledge of the legal terminology as we are working closely with law firms and insurance companies. We provide high quality legal document translation services and at the same time we assure to keep the content of the documents confidential. Our translators and interpreters works vigorously to understand the companies specific nomenclature in order to provide a speedy, accurate and in time delivery of our services.
For complex project quotes, or if you wish to get a quote on a language which is not available, please contact us with your requirements.We aim to contact all enquiries within 24 working hours – if you haven’t heard from us within 24 hours, it might be that you entered your contact details incorrectly. If you want to send your quote by email, contact us at quote@lingotrans.com To get past our spam filter you must not edit the automatically created subject line given in the mail message.