Technical Manuals Translation Services

Technical Manuals Translation

We can translate your technical manuals in an effective way. Our technical translators first take an interview of the user and the technical expert to get the detailed information that is required to translate your technical manual. We can translate your manuals by arranging the content logically in an order and outlining the material with a good sense. The technical experts may convey their message in a different language that is not used in the manual. Hence, we need to simplify the language and should define each and every acronym that is used in the manual.

A technical manual involves a bit difficult task to translate as they contain the technical subject and engineering terms. With our expertise in technical manuals and document translations, we are gathering some crucial achievements. LingoTrans can help you to communicate with other countries through our professional translations.

We have extensive experience in the translation of :
  • User guides
  • Training manuals
  • Plant and machinery
  • Installation procedures
  • Datasheets
  • Maintenance manual
  • Patents
  • Product catalogues
  • Newsletters
  • Sales literature
  • Press releases
  • Scientific reports and many more…

Upload your document for a translation quote

*Compulsory field



For complex project quotes, or if you wish to get a quote on a language which is not available, please contact us with your requirements.We aim to contact all enquiries within 24 working hours – if you haven’t heard from us within 24 hours, it might be that you entered your contact details incorrectly. If you want to send your quote by email, contact us at To get past our spam filter you must not edit the automatically created subject line given in the mail message.


100 Jalan Sultan
#03-41 Sultan Plaza
Singapore 199001

Tel: (65) 6296 4496

Fax: (65) 6296 4490

